• +07789 994682
  • clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com


Welcome to New Burgesses Admitted on Wednesday 21st August 2024

Garry Stevens No Comments

Sheena Blackhall, Scottish Poet, Vocalist, Singer and Writer. Nominated by Albert Thomson and Seconded by Ronnie Watt OBE.

Stuart Clark, Police Inspector. Proposed by Martin Ewan and Seconded by Antony Walker

Dr Tracey Menzies, Solicitor. Proposed by Martin Ewan and Seconded by Roger Connon.

Deborah Mitchell, Financial Advisor (Retired). Proposed by David Parkinson and Seconded by Past Lord Dean, Colin Taylor.

Presentation of Laptops by Lord Dean of Guild

Garry Stevens No Comments

I am delighted to advise that six pupils from Lochside, Northfield and St Machar Academies were the recipients of new laptops to take them into their courses of study at university as part of the first Educational Award from the Guildry and Mortifications Fund under the terms of the new Trust Deed.
Caleb Kelly, Chukwouma Orike, Dana Pinkovska, Karina Moravska are pictured receiving their laptops. Aleksandra Rzepka and Timurs Koptevs unfortunately could not be present but will receive their laptops later this week.

These students have shown exceptional commitment and our support has helped enable them to take up the places they have earned at university. Their potential studies include Law, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering and Teaching.

We will do more in this vein and all these young people have undertaken to keep us informed of their progress.

In addition we have underwritten the cost of the Construction Skills Certification Scheme accreditation for seven young people who have gone through very trying times but who have turned their lives around. The accreditation has enabled them to take up full time paid employment and set them on a pathway unimaginable without the skills training. We have done this through the good offices of Aberdeen Foyer who will monitor progress on our behalf.

We are pleased that we have been able to help thirteen young people on their way on an educational and vocational journey which, without the assistance of the Burgesses of Guild, they would not have been able to do. We will continue to offer such support in keeping with the terms of our Trust Deed.

Lord Dean of Guild

Lord Dean presents students with a certificate following them receiving their laptops

Burgess Lunch- Wednesday 20th November now fully booked

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Wednesday 20th November – Regeneration:  Kirk of St Nicholas.  A charitable organisation has recently purchased the West Kirk/Drum Isle and Tower from Church of Scotland.  Meet with Jo Parry Geddes (Mill Architects) and Iain Sneddon (Edinburgh Palette) who will be discussing the exciting proposals planned for the Kirk.  Planning and Listed Building applications have been submitted into Aberdeen City Council for approval – Jo will go over the proposed plans and future aspirations of the Kirk, whilst Iain will provide an overview on who Edinburgh Palette are what can be achieved within this magnificent building.

All Lunches will take place at RNUC usual start time of 12.14pm. If you wish to attend and have not yet booked please email Clerk at clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com

Cost of the lunch is £15 and guests are invited. Payment can be paid via cheque made payable to Burgesses of Guild of the City of Aberdeen and sent to Garry Stevens, Clerk to the Burgesses of Guild, 6 Craigarbel Crescent, Inverbervie, Montrose DD10 0SJ or via BACS to: Sort Code 826011, Account Number 50325609, Ref Surname/Lunch.

Post AGM Communication from the Lord Dean of Guild

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AGM Tuesday 14th May 2024

Dear Burgesses

Thank you to all who took the time to attend the AGM this year at the trial time of 6pm. I am delighted to say that over one hundred Burgesses attended, not including the City Officers. This is a record attendance for many years.

This was a combination of in person and online. Twenty- nine logged into the meeting online, twenty-nine people who otherwise would not have been able to attend for various reasons. I am most grateful to Trevor Runcie, Assessor, for stepping up for us at relatively short notice to set up and manage the technology because we could not hire an audio visual company to do this for us. I believe that some Burgesses were particularly displeased about the trial change (three contacted the Clerk) but we must be mindful that we are an organisation with a list of some 850 members. It would be impossible to please everyone, but it is incumbent upon us to consider the demands of today’s workplaces which simply would not accommodate people absenting themselves at noon on a working weekday.

As I said at the AGM, I cannot please all of the people all of the time and I ask that everyone considers the needs and preferences of as many Burgesses as possible. The combination of in-person and online facilities should afford greater attendance opportunities than we have ever had.

The positive feedback has been overwhelming, as was the support for a new Constitution which is almost ready for circulation in draft for comment and feedback before we take it to the next stage. I would remind everyone of the need to have rules and guidelines which are up to date and take account of our needs in today’s environment with particular regard to good governance, methods of communication, and our responsibility to comply with current legislation etc. This significant piece of work was submitted to Aberdeen City Council Legal Department who have reviewed it and given their helpful feedback.

The only Regulations in existence at this time were written in 1995 and, as you might imagine are out of date. I will keep everyone posted as this work progresses but I am off on a much-needed holiday next week.

Kind Regards

Lord Dean of Guild

Welcome to New Burgesses Admitted 17th April 2024

Garry Stevens No Comments
Councillor Hazel Cameron, City Councillor. Nominated by Ronnie Watt OBE and Seconded by Mike Wilson
Councillor Donna Clark, City Councillor. Nominated by Catherine Cowie and Seconded by Graham Bennett
Prof. Zygmunt H Krukowski, Surgeon (Retired). Proposed by Doug Duthie and Seconded by Joe Mackie OBE
Christopher Leiper, Company Director. Nominated by Ronay Thomson and Seconded by Yvonne Thomson
Ingrid Stanyer, University Lecturer. Proposed by Margaret Donald and Seconded by Bruce Drummond
Isla Stewart, Account Manager. Proposed by Muriel Jaffrey and Seconded by Councillor Bill Cormie
Craig Walker, Newspaper Editor. Proposed by Mike Wilson and Seconded by Lord Dean of Guild
Dr Arthur Winfield, Lecturer (Retired). Proposed by Rita Stephen and Seconded by John Michie

Tall Ships Sponsorship opportunities

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Please see information relating to opportunities to be a sponsor at the Tall Ships Event next year:

Burgess Annual Golf Competition

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It has been a number of years since we last held a Burgess of Guild Golf Competition. If there is enough interest then we can look to hold a competition with a meal after, at a suitable date later this year. Previous years have been enjoyable -perhaps not the golf for some – but the social aspect after!

If any Burgesses would like to take part please email Clerk at – clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com

Many Thanks


Trustee and Board Opportunities in Aberdeen – Volunteer Roles

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As part of our Action Plan please see the Communication from ACVO showing the list of vacancies for Trustees/Board Members for local charitable organisations in Aberdeen. This was one of the areas in which Burgesses expressed an interest. It would be helpful if anyone responds to ACVO expressing an interest that you copy the Clerk – clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com

To those who wish to participate, thank you

Lord Dean

Order of Scottish Samurai Awards – Sunday 3rd March

Garry Stevens No Comments

Pleased to post a photograph of Burgesses who were awarded various levels of recognition for their contribution and achievements in their professions and/or community activities at the Order of Scottish Samurai ceremony led by Ronnie Watt at Broomhall House on Sunday 3rd March.

Ronnie Watt, a strongly committed and supportive Burgess, is the founder of the OSS. The ceremony was a special celebration celebrating 30 years of the OSS attended by the Japanese Consul and hosted by Lord Charles Bruce, a direct descendant of Robert the Bruce, and whose historical home is Broomhall House.

All awardees have gone above and beyond for their communities and in keeping with the ethos of being a Burgess of Guild.

Congratulations to all award winners and to Ronnie Watt for his outstanding continuing commitment to our wider community.

Beatrice de Graff and Thomas Weber Talk

Garry Stevens No Comments

On Saturday 17th February we held an event in conjunction with the Order of Scottish Samurai at the Town House with two internationally renowned speakers – Professor Thomas Weber, an authority on and author of books on Adolf Hitler and Professor Beatrice de Graaf, an authority on and author of books on Vladimir Putin. Both speakers are winners in their own right of the Duc d’Arenberg Prize which is awarded for the best book on European History. They did not disappoint giving us facts, perhaps unknown, the story behind the men and their objectives. Hitler may well have been a history lesson with lessons for the future, but the Putin story brought us from his beginnings right to the present day.

The speakers gave generously of their time presenting on their subjects and the questions from the floor of ninety-four attendees were plentiful. The turnout was exceptional given that it was a very wet, Saturday night and the event only consisted of the presentations and questions. I thank all who attended.

 Our fellow Burgess, Ronnie Watt, President of the OSS, suggested these speakers. We have a full calendar of lunchtime speakers, but if any Burgesses would like to recommend speakers or topics for events, I will happily pursue.

Sylvia Halkerston
Lord Dean of Guild

Left to Right – Beatrice de Graff, Ronnie Watt, Thomas Weber, Lord Provost and Lord Dean of Guild


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