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The regeneration of The Mither Kirk’ Burgess Lunch Presentation

The regeneration of The Mither Kirk’ Burgess Lunch Presentation

Garry Stevens No Comment

On Wednesday 20th November over 50 attendees from the Burgesses and Seven Incorporated Trades attended a very informative and interesting lunch to hear from Iain Sneddon – Chief Operating Officer – Scot-ART who have purchased the Kirk and Jo Parry Geddes –Conservation Architect & Director – MILL Architects on their plans for the Kirk.

Both Iain and Jo are happy to share their presentation and would be happy to be contacted with any questions, or ideas for how the Kirk can best be utilised. Their contact emails are:

Jo Parry-Geddes – jo@millarchitects.co.uk

Iain Sneddon – iain.sneddon@scot-art.co.uk

We hope to have a follow up event with Iain and Jo sometime next year to get an update on progress, once they are through the first ‘hurdle’ of Planning and Listed building approval which will hopefully be mid January.

The presentation:

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