• +07789 994682
  • clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com

Burgess Social Events

Burgess Social Events

Garry Stevens No Comment

We have, or are in the process of arranging events for the next 5 months, details are below.

Tuesday 25th February – 6.30pm

Location – Aberdeenshire Cricket Club

Cost £15pp – includes buffet supper, guests welcome

Donald Montgomery, Community Resilience Facilitator with Scottish Ambulance Service, is our guest speaker and he will give a quick history of the Ambulance service and how they work today with all different departments within the service plus the voluntary First Responder Scheme that Don is involved in.

Tuesday 24th March  – 6.30pm

Location – Council Chamber, Town House

No cost Tea/Coffee will be served from 6.00pm, Burgesses only

Chief Financial Officer at Aberdeen City Council will, give a briefing to the Burgesses on the annual budget settlement for financial year 2020/21.

Monday 20th April – 6.30pm

Location – Elphinstone Institute, Aberdeen University

Cost – To be confirmed, as is situation with guests

We are currently working on a visit to the Elphinstone Institute – https://www.abdn.ac.uk/elphinstone/

A centre for the study of Ethnology, Folklore, and Ethnomusicology at the University of Aberdeen. Established in 1995 in celebration of the quincentenary of the university’s founding, the Institute researches and promotes the culture of the North and North-East of Scotland in context.

Further information will be issued once the visit is finalised.

Tuesday 12th May – 12.00 noon

Location – Council Chamber, Town House, Broad Street

No cost Tea/Coffee and Butteries served from 11.15am – Burgesses only

Our Annual AGM will take place as above, papers will be issued online and via mail in due course.

May – Date to be confirmed

Location -Aberdeen FC’s new training facility at Cormack Park

Cost – To be confirmed as is situation with guests

We are currently working on a visit to view the new facilities at Cormack Park  https://www.afc.co.uk/2019/10/31/cormack-park-facts/

Further details will be issued once a date etc is agreed which is likely to be at the end of the current football season.

Thursday 18th June – see below for timings

North East of Scotland, Aberdeen Planetarium, North East Scotland College, Aberdeen City Campus, Gallowgate. Aberdeen. AB25 1BN

Cost – £16 to include a finger buffet, guests welcome

We have arranged a visit to the Aberdeen Planetarium. To accommodate anticipated numbers the timings are below:

5.30pm: Planetarium Show One
6.30pm: Finger Buffet
7.30pm: Planetarium Show Two

If you wish to attend please can you advise which time you prefer. We will do our best to accommodate this, as each show is restricted to 30 attendees maximum.

If you wish to attend any of the above events please email Clerk, at clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com

Payment can be made by cheque made payable to Burgesses of Guild of the City of Aberdeen and sent to Garry Stevens, Clerk to the Burgesses, 6 Craigarbel Crescent, Inverbervie, Montrose DD10 0SJ. Or you can pay online to Sort Code 826011, Account Number 50325609 Ref Surname/Events

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