The next event on the calendar is a visit to Sue Ryder Care Centre as detailed below. We still have places available and the Lord Dean is keen that the Burgesses support the invitation to look around the facility, and hear plans for the future and the work they currently undertake:
Thursday 14th June
We have arranged a visit to the Sue Ryder Care facility at Dee View Court, Caisdykes Road, Aberdeen, AB12 5JY where a number of health and social care professionals deliver incredible 24-hour care and support to people living with complex needs and neurological conditions.
The evening will commence at 6.00pm arrival for a 6.30pm start, there will be a presentation/ overview of the centre’s work and then a tour of the facilities, followed by a finger buffet. Cost of the event will be £10.
Payment for events can be made via cheque to Burgesses of Guild of the City of Aberdeen and sent to :
Garry Stevens, Clerk to the Burgesses, 6 Craigarbel Crescent, Inverbervie, DD10 0SJ or:
Via Online Banking to Sort Code 826011, Account Number 50325609 Ref Surname/Event