We’ve been delighted with the response so far to our ‘This is our City’ dinner at the Beach Ballroom on Tuesday 27th February 2018.
If, in the busyness of the run up to Christmas, you haven’t yet made your booking, please do so now as we don’t want any Burgesses to miss out on this significant occasion.
The event is a platform to celebrate what is good in Aberdeen. Its focus will be on the people of Aberdeen, what it means to belong to the city and why individuals are proud to live & work here.
Burgesses and their guests are invited to support this event with the aim of representing the entire community of Aberdeen.
Dress code is lounge suits. Tables of 10 cost £550 or individual seats can be bought for £55.00.
To book your place at this significant event for our city, contact Garry Stevens by emailing clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com
Payment can be made via cheque to Burgesses of Guild of the City of Aberdeen, and sent to Garry Stevens, Clerk to the Burgesses, 6 Craigarbel Crescent, Inverbervie, Montrose, DD10 0SJ or via online banking to: Sort Code 826011, Account Number 50325609, Ref Surname/This is our City.
Your support for this event is appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Colin G. Taylor
Lord Dean of Guild