We are pleased to announce that newly admitted Burgess Professor Henry Ellington has kindly accepted an invitation to be guest speaker at our lunch in August at the usual venue of RNUC..
The title of Prof, Ellington’s talk is “Teaching Primary Pupils about Industry”
In 1986 Prof. Ellington was one of many organisers of a major collaborative project introducing problem based learning into the Region’s Primary schools. Prof. Ellington will describe how the project was set up, and run, and he will then show a 25 minute video that was made of it. He will then conclude by describing how he carried out a full formal evaluation of the project as a result of which important follow up work in this area was carried out throughout the Grampian Region
If you wish to attend please email clerk Garry Stevens at:
Payment can be made via cheque for £14 made out to Burgesses of Guild of the City of Aberdeen, and sent to:
Garry Stevens, Clerk to the Burgesses, 6, Craigarbel Crescent, Inverbervie, Montrose, DD10 0SJ or via online bank transfer to:
Sort Code 826011
Account Number 50325609
Ref: Surname/Aug Lunch