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Visit to New Rowett Research Institute

Visit to New Rowett Research Institute

Garry Stevens No Comment

Our recent visit to the Rowett Research Institute was very interesting, it was an evening enjoyed by 33 Burgesses and guests. We were welcomed to the ‘new Rowett’ on the Foresterhill Campus by the Director, Professor Peter Morgan, and Dr. Sue Bird, this is a custom-built facility like no other I had seen. Following a pleasant coffee or tea with a biscuit or two, the evening started when Peter talked to us about the history of the Rowett since 1913 and brought us up to date with what’s going on now in the UK’s only food nutrition research facility before we were given a tour around the building. It was fascinating stuff, truly impressive. Aberdeen residents can be proud that this facility and the research carried out therein are world class. The evening closed with the usual presentation of our ‘Burgesses were here’ certificate to Peter Morgan.

Rowett Visit Pic

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