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Monthly Archives:June 2017

Welcome to New Burgesses

Garry Stevens No Comments

Welcome to our new Burgesses who were admitted at Full Council on Wednesday 5th February 2025

Robert John Leslie, Retired Chartered Surveyor. Nominated by Stuart Milne and Seconded by Matthew Finnie.

Allan McKimmie, Chairman AFC Heritage Trust. Nominated by Greg Poon and Seconded by Dr Stephen Wedderburn.

Graham Mountford, Solicitor. Nominated by Professor Paul Meallor LVO, FRSE and Seconded by Lindsey Fettes.

Syed Abdur Razzak, Director. Nominated by Mohammad Taqeer Malik, and Seconded by Barney Crockett

SPECIAL EVENT -30 April 2025 

Garry Stevens No Comments

We are delighted to be able to announce a special event – the first screening in the United Kingdom of ‘Führer und Verführer/Goebbels and the Führer’. The first serious feature film on Hitler in twenty years. ‘Führer und Verführer’ premiered at the Munich International Film Festival in July 2024 where it won the Audience Award. Since then, it has been screened in cinemas in several countries on two continents. It is also about to be shown at a Special Screening at Auschwitz for the guides and employees working at Auschwitz and it will soon premiere in Japan and many other countries. We are, therefore privileged to be afforded this opportunity.

It will be shown at a special joint event with OSS at Robert Gordon’s College in Aberdeen. We are grateful to Robin Macpherson, Head of College for providing the venue for the evening which is proposed to commence at 6.30pm

30th April is not only the 80th anniversary of Hitler’s death in the ruins of Berlin, but also a few days prior to the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, a conflict in which so many Aberdonians lost their lives. It is their legacy that invites us to look back to the past to develop resilience and a hopeful vision for the future.

You may remember the thought-provoking evening we had last year with Prof Beatrice de Graaf and Prof Thomas Weber, experts in Putin and Hitler respectively.

Professor Weber served as the film’s historical and creative adviser, to support Director and Script Writer Joachim Lang and Dramaturge and Co-Producer Sandra Maria Dujmovic. The film depicts the dynamic interaction of Hitler and his propaganda minister between 1938 and 1945, that stands at the heart of the deadly dynamic of the Third Reich. It tells the story of their campaign of disinformation and demagoguery. It is the belief of Lang, Dujmovic, and Weber that understanding the patterns of the last world war of disinformation and demagoguery will equip us with tools with which to face the new world war of disinformation and demagoguery we see today. The film takes inspiration from seven survivors, whose testimony intercuts the dramatized plot of the film. The survivors invite us to reflect on our values and virtues and to help us develop a vision of how peaceful coexistence can be restored in times of new crises and wars.

If you wish to attend this event please contact Clerk Garry Stevens at – clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com – as soon as possible. At this time, we may only be able to accommodate spouses and partners as guests, but we will keep you informed of that situation

Sylvia Halkerston

Lord Dean of Guild

Burgess Lunch – Woolmanhill – we are determining the future.

Garry Stevens No Comments


We are delighted to kick off our 2025 lunch program with our first one at RNUC on Thursday 6th February. As usual it will commence at 12.14pm.

Our Guest speaker is Dr Marion White, she was born in Aberdeen and brought up in the North East of Scotland. After studying Medicine at the University of Aberdeen she worked in General Medicine before specialising in Dermatology. For many years she was one of the three consultants who provided the service in Grampian, Orkney and Shetland.

Dr White’s topic is ” Woolmanhill – we are determining the future.”

She welcomes this opportunity to put forward to the Burgesses the case for saving the Woolmanhill hospital buildings, which have been closed since 2017. After summarising key events in 275 years of medical history, she will give examples of the achievements of those who studied there.  

Dr White states “These buildings are architecturally important and stand as testimony to our Heritage and values. Other cities cherish their older hospital buildings and have found imaginative uses. Why are we seemingly disinterested?”

This will be an interesting and informative presentation, and guests are invited to attend.

If you wish to attend please email Clerk at- clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com Please also advise of any dietary requirements.

Cost of the lunch is the usual £15 per person. Payment can be paid via cheque made payable to Burgesses of Guild of the City of Aberdeen and sent to Garry Stevens, Clerk to the Burgesses of Guild, 6 Craigarbel Crescent, Inverbervie, Montrose DD10 0SJ or via BACS to: Sort Code 826011, Account Number 50325609, Ref Surname/Feb Lunch

The Lord Provost’s Charitable Trust Burns Supper 2025

Garry Stevens No Comments

The Lord Provost’s Charitable Trust is organising a Burns Supper to
raise funds for BreakthroughT1D, a diabetes charity (formerly known as
JDRF).  The event is scheduled to take place in The Town & County
Hall, Aberdeen Town House, on Saturday 1st February 2025 at 7pm, and
tickets priced at £60 per person (plus booking fee) are available
from the Council’s ticketing website.

Ticket Link – https://beachballroom.littleboxoffice.com/events/94056

(Please Note: The website address refers to the Beach Ballroom because
it is operated by staff who are based there. The venue for this event
is Aberdeen Town House)

A programme of top-class entertainment is being planned to accompany
the traditional Burns night menu: In addition to singing, the one and
only Mr Robert Lovie will act as compere for the evening, which will
also feature entertainment from seasoned performers Eileen and Craig
Pike, Garry Watson, Pipe Major Julie Brinklow and the University of
Aberdeen Chapel Choir, as well as Burns recitals from Gordon Hay and
Alex Alnasser.  There will also be a raffle and charity auction.

The Lord Provost looks forward to welcoming you.

Further information can be obtained by contacting the Clerk to the
Trust, Email – GaWatson@aberdeencity.gov.uk

Kindest regards,

Garry Watson

Clerk to the Trust

Garry Watson | Civic Affairs Officer

Aberdeen City Council | Governance

Town House (Room 2-3) | Broad Street | Aberdeen | AB10 1LP

Tel: 01224 053216

Mobile: 07908 181924

Evening events February and March

Garry Stevens No Comments

We are pleased to announce two evening events to be held in February and March this year. Both will be held at the Aberdeenshire Cricket Club, Morningside Road, Aberdeen, AB10 7FB. Both events will include a buffet supper and the cost will be £17 per person. Both events will commence at 6.30pm. Guests are invited.

Thursday 20th February 2025 – Professor Sarah Pedersen – The Scottish Suffragettes

Burning down buildings, cutting train lines and pouring acid on golf courses. Learn more about the suffragettes’ fight for the vote in Scotland, including fights in Aberdeen’s Music Hall and attacks on politicians. Professor Sarah Pedersen investigates how Scottish women were at the forefront of the fight for the vote for women.

Sarah Pedersen is Professor of Media and Communication and Dean of the Graduate School at RGU. Her research focuses on women’s use of the media for political discussion, using both contemporary and historical sources. Her books include The Scottish Suffragettes and the Press and The Politicization of Mumsnet. She is currently working on projects investigating the impact of COVID on the policing of domestic violence in rural areas and also on women’s writing. Her work has been praised several times in motions to the Scottish Parliament. She is also a contributor to the Sunday Times bestseller, The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht.

Thursday 20th March 2025 – Prof. Z H Krukowski LVO – A Polish Odyssey

Starting with a few scraps of information, Prof Krukowski has built an increasingly detailed account of his father’s journey through World War 2. The compelling narrative includes personal episodes and incidents often within more familiar major events in the conflict. Many aspects are generally unknown, forgotten or lost within the larger historical perspective.

Prof. Z H Krukowski was educated at Robert Gordon’s College and the University of Aberdeen. He was a consultant surgeon in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Professor of Clinical Surgery and Surgeon to the late Queen. A master surgeon and pioneer of laparoscopic surgery, he was frequently invited to teach and lecture internationally. He served on and chaired a variety of bodies including Surgical Colleges and Associations, Research Councils and Health service-related organisations. He regularly published original research and made substantial contributions to standard surgical texts. Latterly he carried out humanitarian work with the International Committee of the Red Cross.

If you wish to attend one or both events please email Clerk, Garry Stevens at – clerk@aberdeenburgesses.com

Payment can be paid via cheque made payable to Burgesses of Guild of the City of Aberdeen and sent to Garry Stevens, Clerk to the Burgesses of Guild, 6 Craigarbel Crescent, Inverbervie, Montrose DD10 0SJ or via BACS to: Sort Code 826011, Account Number 50325609, Ref Surname/Event attending.

Welcome to our New Burgesses admitted 11th December 2024

Garry Stevens No Comments

Reverend Keith Blackwood, Minister of the Church of Scotland (Mannofield Church), nominated by Joe Mackie OBE and Seconded by Lord Dean of Guild

Christina Clunes, Retired Care Assistant, Nominated by Anne Milne and Seconded by Joe Mackie OBE

Dr Iain Duthie, Church Pastor/Minister (Kings Church Aberdeen), Nominated by Dr Stephen Wedderburn and Seconded by Lord Dean of Guild

Gloria Kochman, Retired University and College Music Lecturer and Organist, Nominated by Irene Cormack and Seconded by Gordon Williamson

Craig Pike, Lawyer-Advocate, Nominated by David Parkinson and Seconded by Seonaidh Baker

Helen Will, Retired Remittances Manager/Dance Teacher, Nominated by Anne Milne and Seconded by Gregory Poon

Christmas Message from the Lord Dean of Guild

Garry Stevens No Comments

Dear Fellow Burgesses,

The festive season is upon us once more. May I extend my warmest wishes to each of you and your families. Christmas is a time to reflect on what unites our community, the rich heritage we share, and the bright future we continue to build together.

2024 has been a busy and productive year with higher numbers than ever engaging in lunch events, evening events, our AGM or working in your many individual ways for the benefit of others. Thank you to all who have engaged and hopefully even more will join us in 2025. We were able to provide some support to young people through the Guildry and Mortifications fund as a result of the revised Trust Deed. We aim for more in 2025.

This year, let us celebrate not only the joys of the season but also the resilience and generosity that define the spirit of the Burgesses of Aberdeen. Whether through engaging with pride, acts of kindness, words of encouragement, or simply being there for one another, our collective strength makes a profound difference in our city.

May this Christmas bring you peace, joy, and the company of loved ones. May the New Year ahead be filled with prosperity, good health, and continued success for the Burgesses, our city and its citizens.

With heartfelt gratitude for your contributions to our community, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Lord Dean of Guild

Appointment of Deputy Lord Lieutenants

Garry Stevens No Comments

We are pleased to congratulate Rita Stephen and Morven Mackenzie two Burgesses for their appointment as Deputy Lord Lieutenants of the City of Aberdeen. This is a prestigious appointment and a great honour. Rita is currently an Assessor and Morven is a comparatively recent admission.
Our very best wishes go to both

Sylvia Halkerston
Lord Dean of Guild

The regeneration of The Mither Kirk’ Burgess Lunch Presentation

Garry Stevens No Comments

On Wednesday 20th November over 50 attendees from the Burgesses and Seven Incorporated Trades attended a very informative and interesting lunch to hear from Iain Sneddon – Chief Operating Officer – Scot-ART who have purchased the Kirk and Jo Parry Geddes –Conservation Architect & Director – MILL Architects on their plans for the Kirk.

Both Iain and Jo are happy to share their presentation and would be happy to be contacted with any questions, or ideas for how the Kirk can best be utilised. Their contact emails are:

Jo Parry-Geddes – jo@millarchitects.co.uk

Iain Sneddon – iain.sneddon@scot-art.co.uk

We hope to have a follow up event with Iain and Jo sometime next year to get an update on progress, once they are through the first ‘hurdle’ of Planning and Listed building approval which will hopefully be mid January.

The presentation:


Garry Stevens No Comments

Three of our fellow Burgesses are involved in a fundraising effort via their Rotary Club.

Aberdeen has no provision for a wheelchair accessible swing at any of the city play parks. The nearest one is in Banchory and families travel out of the city so that their youngster – or in some cases adults – can experience the same play as their siblings and friends. The joy this equipment brings is immeasurable. One 33-year-old said it was the first time in her life that she’d been on a swing and as you’ll be aware, there are many wheelchair users in the city..

The Council has agreed to do the necessary groundwork to accommodate such equipment but asked Rotary Club (Bon Accord) to raise £24k to supply and instal a wheelchair accessible swing in Duthie Park. Your fellow Burgesses ask that you help to raise awareness of their campaign.

Any signposting to sources of grants they may be able to access would also be much appreciated.

Their members have already embarked on a fundraising campaign and activities and have also set up a Just giving account. The link is detailed below:


The project is being led by Sam Murray and Roddy Matheson. Lindsay Fettes also brought this to my attention. Well done to you all, I hope we can help raise awareness of something which sounds so uplifting (pardon the pun), simple yet sadly lacking in our city.

Thank you

Sylvia Halkerston

Lord Dean of Guild


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