The Burgesses of Guild of the City and Royal Burgh of Aberdeen ranks as one of the oldest civic institutions in Scotland. We are first mentioned in historical documents in the year 1124 when Aberdeen was a centre of trade and commerce. Much of the city's history stems from the actions of its early Burgesses who were charged with guarding the Burgh with its laws and customs. More than 800 years after formation the Burgesses of Aberdeen now number some 1,100 men and women who have been admitted on the strength of their character, professional reputation and involvement in the civic life of Aberdeen.
Colin Alexander McVean – Surveyor in Chief to the Emperor of Japan, professional and family life in Japan, 1868 to 1876 - the man who knew Thomas Blake Glover and 'Last Samurai' We are pleased to announce that we have an evening event with guest speaker Colin Houston.
Sheena Blackhall, Scottish Poet, Vocalist, Singer and Writer. Nominated by Albert Thomson and Seconded by Ronnie Watt OBE. Stuart Clark, Police Inspector. Proposed by Martin Ewan and Seconded by Antony Walker Dr Tracey Menzies, Solicitor. Proposed by Martin Ew
As at 20th August we now only have 5 places remaining for the walking tour. Burgesses are invited to join a short walking tour of Old Aberdeen on Thursday 5th September, 6.30pm -7.30pm taking in King's College Chapel, The High Street and the Sir Duncan Rice Libra
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